Monday, 29 May 2017

What Will You March for?

I felt strongly about writing about unity this week. Rising above and standing together is essential right now. If we degrade another fellow human being, we are essential lowering our own vibration. What we put out we will get back. It will without a doubt show-up in your life or business somewhere. From an energy perspective look at the energy being shared underneath your words. This is what you are giving out and therefore what you will receive back. It involves having a clear and ground perspective first, and seeing the world through that lens, instead of seeing the world first and letting it dictate how we feel. Let's be an active participant in what we are creating.

When you start to feel yourself engaging in gossip, remember this is someone's dad, brother, sister, mom, daughter, etc. Let's have love and compassion for our fellow human beings and focus on the changes WE want to see instead. What would you advise your son or daughter to do if they didn't like what someone said on the playground? Would you invite them to talk about them, yell at them, say mean things, etc. No. You would teach them to rise above, to accept them for who they are and be the person they want to be. To treat others how they want to be treated, right?

The course in miracles talks a lot about attachment. When we're in our ego we're coming from a place of separateness, righteousness, and the need to be right and special. We're attached to outcomes and being in control. We all slip into this on some level. Even the most evolved and enlightened people still slip. Because we're human and have an ego.

But let's step into the best versions of ourselves for a second. Who are we at a core level? How do we treat others from this place and how do we like to be treated? We are all worthy of love and respect. This doesn't mean we condone terrible acts, but we can forgive and rise above.

It's okay to feel.

We are still having a human experience, and it's okay to be angry when others say or do hurtful things. It's okay to feel. It's what you do with those feelings that matters. By just allowing yourself to feel how you do without judgement, you are really allowing and accepting yourself as you are, which in-turn creates more peaceful feelings. What is a healthy way to feel and express heavier feelings? What works for you? Journaling and body scanning are great tools that I have learned along the way, and please reach out if you would like more info. on these.

The more we can focus on what we do want the more we will create it.

What's amazing to me is the women's march has been created in response to some heavier events occurring. When was the last time all of these women came together to support one another? This is massive healing on so many levels and a true blessing in disguise.

Much love to you as you sort through what is heavy in your heart today, and I am wishing you peace and love always.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

How to Overcome Bullying

Everyone has their ups and downs in life. Some people get past tough situations while others go deep into it and often suffer from depression and anxiety. Here are some tips to overcome bullying:
  1.  Get to know about bullying. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior. There are many reasons for a normal human being to turn into a bully. When people have gone through mental harassment and abusing situations at home or in any other place, they will choose bullying as an option to look superior in front of others.

  • Bullies have, at some point, been bullied themselves.
  • Getting jealous of others and being insecure can also be reasons.

If you are being bullied or if you are bullying someone else, instead of staying silent, speak up and try to overcome this!

2. Speak to the bully. To explain it with an example, sometimes your friends or people at home might get upset because of something you've said without knowing it will hurt them. In a similar way, the person who is bullying you may have no idea that it is affecting you. When you speak with them about it, chances are they will understand and stop doing it. Also, you should speak to them only if you think they will understand you.

3. Stop being silent: When you are being bullied, you may undergo a lot of stress. This makes people unproductive in their work and leads to depression. More than 50% of the people who undergo bullying fail to report it out of embarrassment or maybe the lack of faith in authorities. But it is very important to speak up. Even if you don't want to report it, speak about it with your teacher/parent/guardian/caretaker or anyone else you trust.

4. When to report it to the police? Bullying is a criminal offence. You can decide which action upsets you the most. If someone physically or sexually attacks you or shares your images or private information online, it is a crime. You should probably reach out to the police department and file a complaint.

5. Stop feeling inferior. Besides sexuality, gender, identity, race and disability, another common reason people experience bullying is the inferior feeling they have of themselves. You should know that if a person is bullying you, it is his/her problem and not yours.

6.Avoid being isolated. Even though you'd want to stay isolated, it is not advisable. Staying away from any sort of support is not going to resolve the issue, instead it makes things worse. It may feel like staying alone gives you peace of mind but it actually puts you in a state where you are being controlled by what happened.

7. Take care of your health: Healthy eating along with a perfect exercise routine can really improve your physical and mental health. This also helps in stress reduction and clears your mind. Cooking, yoga, craft work, and pottery are good hobbies to help you take your mind off negative thoughts.

8. Fix your role models. It is important to fix a role model and build positive energy based on their life story. As you can see, a lot of celebrities have been in the place where you are right now but still have managed to achieve something in their life and work their way up to the top.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Why Am I Still Single? A Gay Man's Question

Image result for gay marriages


I'm so fed up with being a "nice guy" and getting nowhere for it. I continue to be perplexed by my situation and want to understand better why others act the way they do, what I am doing wrong, and what things I can do to improve myself. I'm not perfect and don't pretend to be. I'm not a model, but I'm often told by people that I'm "hot" and how nice and sweet I am. I am passionate and good in bed and believe I have a good personality and sense of humour. I have my own place, a new car, a great job, and I'm very successful in my career that holds a lot of promise for more growth and success. So I guess my biggest question is why am I alone? I treat the guys I have gone out with really well. Yet, it never seems to be enough. I just want to build a life with someone who has ambition, dreams, and who will love me and look out for me as I would for him. ---Gay Man, age 29

This young man is not alone with his predicament. Millions of singles, both gay and straight, face the same frustrations and challenges involved in their dating quests for their true life partners. Finding a compatible, quality guy to settle down with is one of the most important decisions you'll make, so it's important to assess how your dating experiences and choices are matching with your needs and goals, particularly if you've been dealing with a series of dating mishaps and disatisfactions. The question of "why am I still single?" is a very complex issue that can't be done justice with answering in a short article, but this piece will package some key points that will hopefully get you started with figuring out your own situation if you're pondering this common question; perhaps it will become a launching pad for you in approaching your dates differently.

Reasons Why We're Still Single

It certainly can be challenging trying to find a decent man to build your life with, someone who's got a good head on his shoulders and who's been able to overcome a lot of the garbage we gay men have to go through to feel OK about ourselves in this homophobic society. You feel like you're a motivated person with lots of potential and possibility ahead of you, driven to succeed and achieve.You also believe that you're a "good catch" and know that you have a lot to contribute and give in a romantic relationship if given the opportunity. But how do you find that in another guy?

There are a multitude of reasons why someone may still be single when they truly desire a relationship. Maybe they keep attracting the same kind of partner who's wrong for them, or they're unrealistic in their standards, or they have weak social and dating skills, or they fear losing their personal freedom, among many others. Many gay men have a difficult time establishing and maintaining intimate relationships because of internalized homophobia or intimacy fears. And then it becomes very easy to take on a "victim mentality" and become overly-focused on the flaws of the men we date. Taken a step further, one can then begin developing beliefs like "It's never going to happen for me; they always turn out to be such losers" or "Gay men aren't capable of having long-term relationships", among others. These are all false, of course, but easily born out of frustration and hopelessness.

The truth is, we can't change other people. What's most important at this juncture is to relax, take the emphasis off of the other guys and why they are the way they are, and put your energy into examining the role that you may play in this problem, because that's where the key to success is in you taking charge of your life and making personal changes where they're needed. Below are some suggestions to get you started in the right direction:

How To Increase Your Odds of Finding True Love

1. Be the best person you can be. Live your life to the fullest with no expectations of a relationship. You may be trying too hard at finding love and that can be sabotaging. Lead an active and fulfilling lifestyle with purpose, meaning, and passion, and like-minded people will be attracted and drawn to your energy. Build your support system too and keep dreaming big! Throw yourself into personal growth and boost your self-esteem and confidence and eliminate any fears you may have.

2. Know yourself completely and develop your vision. This is the most important step! Be very clear about who you are, what you want, and how you'll get it. Do this not only for your individual life, but also create a relationship and life partner vision. What are your needs, wants, values, and requirements for both? What's negotiable and what's non-negotiable? Be very specific.

3. When you begin dating, use this vision as your guide. Collect information and experiences from the men you date to gain a solid knowledge of who they are and make sure they're in alignment with your vision. At the first sight of a non-negotiable trait they possess, disengage to avoid getting more invested and keep searching. A lot of people ignore these signs and then they get in too deep. Avoid this trap!

4. Explore your past relationships with men. Do you see any patterns in the types of men you're attracted to or the type of relationships you've had? Are you continually getting involved with emotionally unavailable men? Are you projecting your own issues onto these men? Are you really ready for a relationship as much as you may want it? Do you have any unfinished business from a prior relationship that prevents you from being able to grieve it and let it go? These are all things to consider as you do your self-analysis.

5. Identify your relationship beliefs. These pre-conceived notions and thoughts may be holding you back and sabotaging your efforts. Some examples of self-defeating thoughts might include: "All the good ones are taken"; "Gay relationships don't last"; "I failed at relationships before, so I will again"; "Gay men can't commit. I'll be alone forever", etc. Work at creating new beliefs to dispute these and gather evidence to prove these negative ones wrong.


So in a nutshell, work aggressively at the above points and you'll be at a good starting point. Other things to consider might be to live your life to the max and a relationship will happen when you're not pressuring yourself so much because you're happy and living with purpose. Become really attractive "on the inside" and you will attract similar people (The Law of Attraction). Be visible, take risks and stretch out of your comfort zone, develop skills to boost your confidence and cope with feelings of loneliness, develop solid boundaries, and always stay true to your vision no matter what. Good luck with your quest! One good catch deserves another!

Friday, 19 May 2017

LGBT Discrimination Continues Despite Same Sex Marriage Approval

It is human nature that people judge others so easily, inconsiderately speak out their mind even if it is offensive for others, and humiliate other people in front of a crowd either intentionally or not. But, it doesn't mean that since it is really innate for us to be like that, we should just go on with it. We never know how this affects other people's lives.

Years ago, women have been fighting themselves out for their right to have a right. A right to freedom, right to have their own ideas and decisions, right to express their own thoughts, right to vote and so many more. Gradually, these ladies have been accruing these rights and acknowledgements one by one.

As of today, the "she" population is able to rule the world. There are CEOs in the companies that are females, artists, lawyers, doctors, and even a country's president. To date, it seems like there isn't anything that a man can do that a woman can't. In fact, some would like to agree that women have a more superb job and output compared to men.

Yet, it should also be noted that despite these, there are still some who are obstinately discriminating women because of their gender. There are still companies who would prefer to have men as their worker like factory jobs, electrical jobs, car repair, and the like. Fortuitously, women are able to deal with this and are still able to land to a job.

Conversely, the cases of women are seemed to be called a lot luckier compared to what is called gay community.

They are the gays, lesbians, transgender, bisexual and the like. They are still people - part of the humanity, but is just having a different preferences specifically when it comes to the people they will love and wished to be with in their lifetime.

The discrimination against this group is evident and observable. They are most of the time the subject of bullying in schools, avoided by their co-workers, and even if they are already professionals and their preferences revealed, they became less respected.

Like the women before, they are also in the process on continually fighting for their right to equality. They wished to be acknowledged and be given the rights that are enjoyed by the other citizens in their respective countries. Their movement (which started in the mid 90's) has taken a big leap when the same-sex marriage has been approved in the early 2000's.

Aside from that, there are also other rights that they are already appreciating BUT, it is not in all places. In fact, same-sex marriage is still not practised worldwide. Gay couples are still having difficulty in getting marriage licenses and have to go to other countries which do.

Additionally, there is still a lot of people part of the gay community that is having hardships landing in a (high-paying) job because of gender discrimination. More are in the brink of getting fired if they are known to be gays.

There are so many other more discrimination that they are receiving despite the rights that are given to them, this includes:

· Declination for house rentals

· Treated like mentally ill people

· Subject of hate crimes

· Crimes against them having restrained penalties

And so many more...

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Tips on How to Come Out As Bisexual

Image result for homosexuality pictures

It has been identified that a lot of people in today's world feel helpless because of their sexual orientation. In other words, they feel reluctant to express themselves as bisexual because of the fear of being rejected by society. However, you don't need to worry about anything before you express your sexual orientation. Here is a list of useful tips that you can keep in mind when coming out as bisexual.

1. Never feel pressured - Most of the people feel pressured when they try to tell others that they are bisexual. If you are pressured, you will have to go through a lot of frustration when expressing yourself. Coming out bisexual is all about you and you are not causing an impact on anyone else. You chose to be bisexual just because of your happiness. Therefore, you should only focus on yourself and stay away from being pressurised.

2. Check how other people came out - If you are looking for a convenient method to come out as bisexual, you can go through the steps that other people followed. The method that Sara Ramirez is a perfect example that you can try without any doubt on mind. You can simply do research on the Internet about how she expressed her bisexuality. Following those steps will help you to stay away from anxiety when you come out.

3. Tell one person - When you are coming out as bisexual, it is always a good idea to tell one person first. Coming out doesn't mean that you need to tell everyone straight away. You can simply approach one by one and express your sexual orientation. To take the first step, you can select someone who is closer to you such as a friend, parent, teacher or sibling. When you tell one person, you will find it as an easy task to tell the news to others.

4. Give time for the people - When you come out as bisexual, you need to let time heal all wounds. In fact, people around you would not feel any difference about your bisexuality after some time. Therefore, it is a must for you to give some time for the people around you in order to digest the news. If they have any questions, you can simply answer them and let them figure out its completely natural along with time.

5. Think about the positive side - Last but not least, you need to think about the positive side of being bisexual when you come out. Then you would realise that coming out is one of the best decisions that you can ever take in your life. The changes that would come to your life along with your sexual orientation are exciting and you would definitely love them.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Why the World Is Awash With Homosexuals and Homophobic Reactions to Them (By Norma Holt)

With so many declaring they are gay or homosexual one must query why is there such a vast number and why at this time? One must also ask why there is such a homophobic reaction against them? Some treat them like a bad dose of leprosy and avoid contact with them. Others may tolerate them but secretly abhor them. It's an unspoken war that pervades every society and community.

My memory of reincarnation provides answers. In my last life I was a man and in this one a woman. My death was sudden and hovering above the body and gazing down on it made me aware of certain facts.

In darkness and with the Spirit of the Universe a vision showed my next life ahead as a line drawn out in front. Next my new parents were being married as I hovered above them and was born one month later.

From the start my memory is strong and I was born with a different language to my parents but can't recall what it was. That is the thing that preserved my experience fresh in my mind and the strength of being a man in my previous life made this one more trying. It also maintained a strong link to the Spirit who has guided me through my life.

At first there was little to be worried about until my father made a comment one day when I was struggling to carry a 5-gallon drum of petrol. I was all of 5 years old and his word "Norma, you can't do that you are only a girl" cut me to the quick.

A girl! That's when my happy new life turned somewhat sour. How could I achieve anything in this body? It made me depressed and for some time remained a dark shadow over me.

That is why many cannot accommodate their new sexuality after reincarnation. In today's world we have everyone who has lived back in their bodies because we are in the last days and judgement by God is now enacted. That is why we have such a huge number of homosexuals or transvestites at this time.

After 2 World Wars and all the other conflicts with plagues and other things taking their toll people have died and returned rather quickly. The change of sex they have experienced is telling along with the number of so-called 'gifted' children who have brought with them their knowledge and skills from previous times.

The Internet has many stories of reincarnation in video form so that anyone who doubts it can easily look up the evidence and proof of it. Those who seek to murder such people for being sexually different should consider their passage from life to life as a reason for it.