Monday 23 October 2017

Gay Marriage and Similarity With Legitimising Children Born Out of Wedlock (By Norma Holt)

It is not that long ago that children who were born to unwed parents were ostracised by society and illegitimate according to the law. The only thing they were responsible for was being born of parents whom religion targeted because their union was not 'sanctioned' by the Church. That type of baloney is no different to banning gay or transvestite people from legal recognition of their love for each other and a bonding relationship.

The Catholic Church uses marriage as a sacrament and is bitterly opposed to anything that weakens its grip over society. Established by Constantine, a Roman Caesar who is identified as 666 in Revelation 13:12-18, the religion has used everything from violence to murder to maintain its position.

Thankfully people are waking up to its lies and the agenda it serves, but not quickly enough. It is based on the premise of heaven and hell as places of eternity after death. This is its greatest lie as no such places exist.

Professing to hold the 'keys to heaven' its rituals and laws are based on those of ancient Babylon and the Islamic religion, which developed in that city. Constantine was an Amorite, that is the nation who raided Italy and built Roma (reverse Amor).

He reinstated Mary, the Mother God of that city, as the Mother of God. Men marry 'Mary' to become priests, exactly as was practiced in that place. Jerome, who followed soon after, wrote the New Testament based on the laws, festivals, calendar, and rituals of Islam.

My research into the roots of Catholicism and, therefore, religion followed my reincarnation and knowledge that there is a Great Spirit of the Universe that controls all things. Nowhere in the bible is marriage mentioned and as the New Testament is fake anything in it is not and should not be of concern.

Just as people fought to be recognised as legitimate in the eyes of the law those who are gay or transvestite are fighting now a very similar battle. As a man in my last life and a female in this one it is something I understand all too well.

In my early life my body felt strange but the insight given to me showed that this was done for a reason. I missed the strength of being a man and have never been 'womanly' as such, although I am also not gay. It is time, therefore, to put all questions of equality to rest and to legalimise same-sex marriage. After all, what harm is it to anyone other than the Catholic Church?

If people want a ritual and to dress up in fancy clothes and have a party, then they should be allowed to do so. While there is no such thing now as an 'illegitimate' child, nor should there be prejudice and hate towards those who life their life in a loving relationship outside of what is considered the 'norm'.

Norma Holt knows that the basic premise of the world order is upholding religious ideology and myths. Her extensive research went to the heart of the heaven and hell scenario to demonstrate how far man has gone to create his own paradise on earth while living through hell to do it.

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